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Learn the Most Effective Goal Method

posted in: Clarity, Effectiveness, Goals
Learn the Most Effective Goal Method

The most successful people have one common trait: They are all goal-oriented. They know exactly what they want and they stay focused on that goal until they achieve it. If you go through life without clear goals, then you will only float along aimlessly. By setting goals, you set yourself onto a well-defined path that will help you overcome obstacles and be successful.

There is one statement that is true for each person:

You become what you think about most of the time.

If you ask a successful person what they think about most, they will tell you that they think about the things they want and how they are going to get them. What is happening around you is a reflection of what is happening inside you. Your constant thoughts eventually emerge into reality.

People who are unsuccessful waste their thoughts on their fears, focusing on the things they don’t want to happen. This mires them in negativity, thinking constantly about their biggest concerns and worries, their problems, and who they blame for those things.

Whether you are thinking of success or failure, the things that weigh heavily on your mind will become what is reflected in the world outside of you. Shifting your focus to a more positive, goal-oriented mindset will move you further ahead than wallowing in the negativity of what you haven’t achieved.

A success-oriented person is like a homing pigeon. No matter where you are, once you know where you are heading then nothing can stop you from getting there. You just have to be clear about what your goals are and start working to achieve them.

Take time to write your goals down each day

The most effective way to make sure you are focusing on your goals at all times is to start your day by writing them down. Choose a notebook to keep with you and before you begin your day, or even at the end of your day, sit down and write out your goals. Write out your goals for the seven areas of your life. As you write out your goals, keep these guidelines in mind to give them maximum impact:

  • Write your goals in the first person (because these are your goals, not someone else’s).
  • Write them in the present tense, as if they have been achieved already (I have earned my bachelor’s degree).
  • Write it out as a positive statement (I am free from smoking, instead of I don’t smoke).
  • Include active verbs (I am, I have, I earn).
  • Write out at least 10 goals each day.

As you are compiling your list of goals, there are five characteristics that help you distinguish true goals from simple wishes.

Goals Need to be SMART



Aligned with your values



Specific: Do not set vague goals. Be clear about all of the details. Don’t just say I want to take a vacation. Instead, write down where, when, who with, and how long. When you are specific, it makes it easier to turn it into reality.

Measurable: You need to be able to track your progress. When you want to lose weight, set an exact amount as a goal so that you can measure your progress and know when you have achieved that goal.

Aligned with your values: If accomplishing a goal means compromising your personal values, then you will not get any true enjoyment from it. If it is your goal to save $20,000 in the budget of your business, but you only achieve that by reducing the quality of your products, how happy will you be with that accomplishment in the long run?

Realistic: Don’t try to set goals that you think are unachievable. Know what is possible and realistic for yourself before you set out on an unrealistic goal. You don’t want to set a goal to climb Mt. Everest next year if you’ve never even been on a hike in the woods. It is good to push your limits with your goals, but they still need to be reasonable.

Time-bounded: Set a time period in which to achieve each goal. If you leave it open-ended, then you can just keep dragging your feet along the way. Having a deadline looming ahead of you will spur you on to make progress each day to meet your goal. If you want to lose weight, don’t just decide you want to lose 10 pounds. Give yourself a deadline: “I want to lose 10 pounds before June.” This gives you a time limit so that you track your progress along the way and watch your progress, knowing if you are on track to meet your goal or if you need to make changes to get there.

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