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3 Rules to Successful Negotiating

3 Rules to Successful Negotiating

Madelon WallaceBy Madelon Wallace
Licensing Specialist | Business Coach | Performance Specialist | Trainer | Speaker

Do you want all of your negotiations to be a success?  If so, use these three simple rules to ensure all parties win.  Weather you are negotiating a business or real estate deal, contract terms or job offer.  You are sure to be a successful negotiator using these three simple rules.

1. Be Prepared

The number one rule is to be prepared.  Yes, this means you must do some pre-work. I recommend you start with you. Get clear on your vision, needs and wants.  I order to find what you are looking for, you must know what that is. Further, you must be able to clearly communicate your vision, needs and wants to your counterpart during negotiations.

Second, you must do your research to find the right solution and / or opportunity for you.  Having a working knowledge of your target partner, will go a long way to ensure success.  Not to mention how much time you will save your prospects and yourself. Once you have the foundation set, you are ready for your pitch / conversations.

2. Meeting of the Minds

I call this part the meeting of the minds because this is where agreements are made.  Now that you have set your foundation, you are ready to meet with your ideal future partner, client, boss or supplier. Start with building a rapport and understanding what their needs are from their point of view (which should match the information you found in your research). Ask probing questions. Most importantly listen.

Provide insightful answers. Remember this is the time to determine fit.  Your counterpart wants to make sure there is a good fit just like you.  Be sure to layout why you are the “right solution” for them.  This is where your pre-work comes in.  Clearly communicate your vision, needs and wants and how it fits with theirs.  Done right, the result is a meeting of the minds where everyone benefits from the engagement.

3. Ensure a WIN / WIN Outcome

A win/win is not about compromise but about ensuring that all parties vision of success will be realized by working together. The best deals foster long-term relationships.

PSST: that means make room for future opportunities together.

I know some of you are thinking . . . I want to win I don’t care about anyone else.  Have you thought about what happen when negotiations don’t result in a win / win?  I will leave that for another article.