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Uncover the Hidden Productivity Killer: Stress

workplace stress

Did You Know?

  • Undiagnosed stress causes 60% of all illness & disease
  • Stress costs organizations $300 billion in lost productivity & medical costs EVERY YEAR
  • 75% of workers report experiencing at least 1 stress symptom in the last month

As you look around your office, you may see people who are the picture of productivity. But looks can be deceiving.

Your workplace may actually be a breeding ground for stress, which is slowly chipping away at the collective morale, and the individual spirit of your most valuable people.

At times stress rises and spreads unbeknownst to even the most empathic leaders.

Get $99 Stress Assessment

Special Stress Assessment Pricing

At FocalPoint Business Coaching, one area of our focus is team communications – hiring, training, retaining and improving the best individuals for your business.

April Special — Stress Quotient®, normally $199, is available for $99. Not just a stress report, but a debrief including tactics for improving your team and office.

This assessment helps you understand whether or not the stress in your office is dramatically rising and hampering productivity, killing your culture or staying within reasonable levels. Once you know, you can address the root causes — which can include lack of job fit, miscommunications or mismanagement.

Stress Quotient® is available in individual and group versions.

Get $99 Stress Assessment

Seven Stress Factors

TTI Success Insights has identified seven different types of stress in individuals:

1. Demand Stress

Excessive demands on knowledge, skill or time or a poor job fit for the individual create a demand that is too great for the employee.

2. Efforts / Reward Balance Stress

Effort can be defined as strenuous physical or mental excursion. Result can be defined as the output from effort and in the workplace may include compensation, promotion or recognition. High output and effort met with minimal reward creates stress.

3. Control Stress

High responsibility paired with low authority and lack of control creates a feeling of powerlessness.

4. Organizational Change

Changes within an organization effects people differently. Restructuring, poorly communicated policies and leadership changes that are not well communicated bring apprehension.

5. Manager / Supervisor Stress

Excess pressure or challenges from a superior increase stress levels.

6. Social Support Stress

Lack of support among work-place peers and competitiveness leaves employees disengaged.

7. Job Security Stress

Fear of loss of job or threatened job status including lack of advancement or even being promoted too quickly can add significantly to anxiety.

Get $99 Stress Assessment