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Increasing Your Productivity with Effective Delegation

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Increasing Your Productivity with Effective Delegation

One of your most valuable resources is time. Every day, we are all given the same amount of time to do with as we see fit. So why is it that some people are able to accomplish more than others?

The answer is productivity. Some people have found the key to planning and executing their tasks each day in a way that allows them to get more done in the time they are given while others spend way too much time on tasks that add little or no value to their day. In order to gain more time to dedicate to high value activities, you need to learn how to effectively delegate. With delegation, you can start using the time you have throughout the day to accomplish your most valuable tasks, getting you closer to your end goal without wasting a lot of time on things that can be handled elsewhere.

Here are 10 key principles that you need to focus on to start increasing your productivity now:

Make your high value activities a priority

You know through Pareto’s Law and calculating your hourly rate that it is important to focus more of your time on high value activities, tasks that have an impact on how successful you will be in reaching your goals, and eliminating or delegating the rest. When you delegate tasks that can be done by someone else, you are giving yourself more time to focus on these high value activities.

Focus on the things you do best, and delegate the rest

What tasks do you excel at? What things need to be done just by you? These are the tasks that you would pay someone your hourly rate to accomplish and you can focus your attention on them because these are the tasks that add real value. The remaining tasks are the things that have little impact on your end results in the long run and should be passed on to someone else to handle for you.

Delegate tasks to someone you can trust

Just because a task does not rate being done by you personally doesn’t mean you should pass it on to someone incompetent. That just sets them up for failure and ends in frustration and disappointment for all of you. Choose someone you know is capable and dependable and trust them to take on those tasks that need to be handled by someone other than yourself.

Clearly define the tasks

When you delegate a task, make sure the person knows what the end result is that you want to achieve. Give them a clear description of what they need to do, when, and how. Have them repeat back to you what you expect them to do. Everyone needs to be on the same page so that the likelihood of success is greater. Make sure they understand the importance of what they are doing and why it is essential to the goal you are trying to reach.

Set a deadline

Each task needs to have a deadline for completion. You want it to be clearly defined, not just a vague “sometime this week” or “whenever you can get to it.” This just sets them up for failure. Be clear about your timeline and when you expect the task to be finished. This gives them a sense of urgency to complete the task and to make sure it is done correctly.

Set benchmarks

Any tasks that you delegate should have benchmarks in place so that you can gauge the progress that they are making on it. Discuss with them what would be the best way to keep track of how things are going with each assigned task so that everyone stays on the same page until it is complete.

Have resources available

You want to make sure that the person you are delegating to is set up for success, so have the necessary resources available for them so they can complete the tasks quickly and efficiently. This will help to empower them to get things done on their own without having to come to you for answers while you are focusing your attention on your high value activities.

Be clear about the consequences

What are the consequences of completing the project successfully and on time? What about if they do not complete the task? Do these consequences have an impact on them? Be clear about your expectations and what will happen if they are or are not met on this task. Once the task is completed (or not), follow through with your promised consequence of success or failure.

Get it in writing

It’s always a good idea to get things in writing, both for your peace of mind and theirs. By writing it out and signing this agreement, it becomes a commitment rather than just a mutual understanding.

Monitor the progress

It can be easy once you delegate a task to someone to simply forget about it. But this can prove to be a big mistake. You went through a lot of effort to make sure your expectations were known, so it is up to you to monitor how things are progressing through completion. This lets you catch any problems before they end up derailing the project altogether.

Being an entrepreneur, it can be easy to fall into the trap of believing if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. But the most successful business owners embrace delegating tasks to others and enjoy the rewards of a job well done without having to do all of the work themselves.

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