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The Four Rules of Trust in Sales


A customer will only agree to a sale once they feel like they can trust the salesperson. Without trust, people are not willing to make an investment, whether it is for something as small as a pack of gum or as large as the purchase of a home.

When it comes to selling, there are four rules that a salesperson must observe in order to be successful at closing a sale.

1. Ask penetrating questions to determine the real needs of the customer

Asking personal questions to get to know the customer is good. It shows the customer that there is a genuine interest in who they are.

What really shows them that a salesperson is trustworthy is when the salesperson asks the kinds of questions that uncover the problem that needs to be solved. Showing the customer that their problem is understood and that there is a solution available is what helps to really build trust.

2. Listen more than talk

Every good salesperson knows that they have two ears and one mouth, and to use them in proportion. Being a better listener makes them better at finding what the customer needs.

They ask questions and listen to the response.

3. People can be talked out of a sale

It is easy for a salesperson to talk too much during the sales process. More often than not, this can cause them to lose the sale. But the more they listen, the more genuine their interest in what the customer has to say; the more likely it is that the customer will be ready to close the deal.

4. Trust is built by listening

No matter the type of relationship, the simple act of listening can make it stronger.

If a customer is asked what they liked most about a salesperson, their answer should always be that they felt like they were being listened to. It is important to all people to feel like they are being heard when they discuss their needs, wants, concerns, or compliments.

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Wondering how you can capitalize on these tactics? FocalPoint Coaching teams up with the Ventura Chamber of Commerce to bring you the Success Series. Next up in the series on June 29: Trust & Courage – The Secret Sauce.