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Become a Better Seller by Understanding Personality Types

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Become a Better Seller by Understanding Personality Types

One of the most important things that any successful salesperson has learned is how to read people and adjust communication styles accordingly.

Everyone has his or her own unique personalities. Knowing what personality type you are as a seller and being able to read your potential customers to uncover their personality makes it easier to know just how you should be pitching to them.

With so many personality assessments springing up, such as the Meyers-Briggs, there are any number of ways to pinpoint exact personality traits. However, you can simplify the assessment and divide people into one of four categories in order to know what tactics will work best when you want to make a sale.

DISC Communication Styles

This simplified categorization of personalities is known as the DISC methodology.

Dominance: A “D” personality type is someone who tends to dominate a conversation. They are assertive and like to control the direction of any interaction. They like to stay on task and get straight down to business.

Influencer: The “I” personality is more focused on the relationship and creating a level of personal comfort for everyone. These personality types are interested in small talk before getting straight to the task at hand.

Steadiness: An “S” type is one who is more laid back and quieter, maybe shy. They need to be drawn out of their shell. They do not initiate the conversation. This personality type does not like to feel rushed or pressured into making a decision.

Compliance: The “C” type is someone who is very analytical. They need all the data before they make any decisions. They are looking for proof, so be prepared to give it to them when they ask.

If you want to become a better seller, then you need to be able to identify these different personality types and adapt your selling style so that it works better for them. Do not expect your potential customer to adapt to your personality. When you understand how to sell to each different personality type, then it becomes easier to do and say the right things that will convince them to close the deal with you.

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