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Harness the Power of the Superconscious Mind

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Harness the Power of the Superconscious Mind

Many people know that the mind operates on both the conscious and subconscious level. But what they do not know is that our minds also operate at a third level of consciousness: The superconscious.

The conscious mind makes decisions based on data that it has identified and analyzed.

The subconscious mind holds onto information and brings it forth at the command of the conscious mind.

The superconscious mind is accessed through both the conscious and the subconscious, though it operates outside of both. It is also known as the “infinite intelligence”, the “universal mind”, and the “God-mind”. There are at least three functions that are served by the superconscious mind:

  • True creativity
  • Invention and scientific breakthrough
  • Inspiration and motivation

How does this superconscious mind function? It draws from three sources. First, the superconscious can access all of the information that is stored in your subconscious. It filters out what is true and uses that information to bring appropriate solutions.

Next, it can also access all of the knowledge and information that is outside of your own personal knowledge. This source is also known as the “collective unconscious”. It is a storehouse of all the intelligence and ideas that have ever existed or will someday exist.

Finally, the superconscious draws from ideas that are outside of your own current experience, such as an industry or field in which you’ve never taken part.

Can the superconscious be harnessed?

Your superconscious is operating day and night, while you are asleep and awake. When you fixate on a goal you want to accomplish or a problem you need to solve and then let it go, it is then transferred to your superconscious mind. The superconscious then begins to draw from all of your knowledge and experience as well as that outside of yourself to solve the problem or help you achieve the goal.

All that you must do is clearly define your goal, have faith in the process, and then never doubt that it will work. Your superconscious mind will take all of the work into itself, helping to solve those problems that must be overcome to meet your goals.

To tap into your superconscious, follow these five steps:

  1. Clearly define your goals and write them down every day to imprint them into your subconscious mind.
  2. Gather as much information as you can as it relates to your goal or problem. Do research, read, and ask questions.
  3. Review and analyze all of the information you obtain from your research and find the best answers.
  4. If you are unable to find a solution, make a conscious decision to turn the problem over to your superconscious. Let it go with confidence, like releasing a bird to the wind.
  5. Get your conscious mind engaged elsewhere and allow your superconscious to take charge. When the time is right, the ideas, resources, and people will be provided to you so that you can achieve your goal or solve your problem.

When you start letting the superconscious take over, listen to your instincts, because this is your superconscious communicating to you. Take action immediately. Do not hesitate and you will be successful.

How do you know that the answer you get is really from your superconscious? It will have these three characteristics:

  • It is 100% complete and the initial steps will be immediately within your capability and resources.
  • It will seem so blatantly obvious that you will ask yourself why you hadn’t already thought of it.
  • You will feel an accompanying burst of energy that pushes you to take immediate action.

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